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Choose Your Optimal Power Solution Among 2000KVA Transformer

daelim 2000KVA transformer solution (1)

Daelim is a transformer manufacturer that have experience exporting transformers all over the world. At the same time, Daelim has a professional sales and engineer team that can provide the best solution to our clients. Our team care about the quality and the details of our products to offer the  best solutions to our customers. Daelim has a wide variety of transformers, that can apply in different sources. In this article we will focus in how to choose your optimal power solution among 2000kVA transformer.
There are a wide variety of 2000kVA transformers, such as dry type transformer, small substation transformer, and pad mounted transformer.

After 15 years of experience in the transformer industry, our professional team can design and manufacture 2000kVA transformer according to the needs of our customers all over the world.
These transformers have different applications, use, technical specifications, characteristics, dimensions, etc which we will introduce in this article.

Pad-mounted Transformer

We can provide you single phase and three phase pad mounted transformer

Dry-type Transformer

Type:Cast resin; Rated Capacity: Up to 25MVA; Rated Voltage: Up to 36KV;

Pole Transformer

TypeCSP type Frequency: 50/60Hz; Rated Power: 5~167kva

Oil immersed transformer

Frequency: 50/60Hz Rated voltage:10kv, 20kv,30kv Rated Power: 400~2500kva

Table of Content


This transformer belongs to distribution transformer. This kind of transformer performs the last voltage transformation in a distribution grid. This provides the final voltage transformation in the electric power distribution system, stepping down the voltage used in the distribution lines to the level used by the customer.
This type of transformer are important equipment in the distribution network and systems and power supply of industrial and mining enterprises.
Daelim 2000kVA transformers are designing to have lower losses, good quality, core type, good appearance, safe operation, low noise, strong overload capacity, etc. As we mentioned before, Daelim team care and pay attention to the quality and characteristics of our transformers, offering the best solutions for our clients projects. 
Daelim distribution transformers comply the standards of ANSI C57.12.00, IEC60076, GB1097 (Power transformer) and GB/T6451 (Technical parameter and requirements for three phase oil-immersed power transformer).
Daelim 2000kVA transformer have some advantages, such as increase power supply capability, ensure the voltage quality, debase the electric energy loss in power system
2000kVA transformers can save the construction fee of the power system. It is the developing product of energy conservation in power system.

Try for free information about the How to produce a distribution transformer ?

DIFFERENT TYPE OF 2000KVA TRANSFORMER (dry type, substation type, pad mounted)

We already know that exist different types of transformers that have this capacity, in this article we will focus in 2000kVA transformer.
Daelim 2000kVA transformer could be dry type, substation type or pad mounted. All these transformers have something in common, they all are three phase transformers. A three phase transformer is made of three sets of primary and secondary windings, each set wound around one leg of an iron core assembly. Three phase transformer core has three sets of windings. Those sets of primary and secondary windings will be connected in either Delta or Wye configuration to form a complete unit. In this article we will introduce Daelim 2000kVA transformers.  

daelim 2000KVA transformer solution (2)

First, we have dry type transformer. Daelim dry type transformers are designing according to IEC726, GB6450, GB/T10228-1997 standards. They are characterized by their low loss, compact and light weight, low noise level, high mechanical strength, flame resisting, strong overload ability etc. They are applicable to power transmission and distribution systems, especially to heavy load centers and places with special fire protection requirements. This type of transformers use air as a cooling medium. 

Another kind of 2000kVA transformer is substation type transformer. This transformer is the most important part in the power electric transmission. In Daelim we offer multiple standards for this transformer, for example IEEE/CSA/AS/IEC standards. Because of the bitcoin mining, small susbtation transformer are booming now and is a hot product in NA market.

daelim 2000KVA transformer solution (3)

This kind of transformer transmit low voltage to high voltage or the opposite, high voltage to low voltage. Daelim 2000kVA substation type transformers are design to protect and distribute the power in the most efficient matter. For that reason, the substation is equipped with fuses, circuit breakers, and other supporting devices. Substations are typically located in an open environment within a tightly fenced compound.
The last 2000kVA transformer is Daelim 2000KVA Pad mounted transformer. 2000KVA pad mounted transformer has small size, low investment, convenient operation, fast installation, simple maintenance, etc, is perfect equipment for power distribution, especially for construction and transformation of rural and urban power grids, residential, commercial centers, etc.

daelim 2000KVA transformer solution (4)

In general, Pad mounted transformers are equipment mainly used for the distribution of energy. Our pad mounted transformers are connected to underground utility distribution lines, to reduce the primary voltage to the secondary voltage to be supply to the final customer, having different types depends on their configuration. This transformer can be single phase pad mounted transformer or three phase pad mounted transformer. Also we can difference in two type of configuration, such a radial feed or loop feed. 

Let’s know learn more about the EAF TRANSFORMER MEXICO


Differents types of 2000KVA transformers have different applications.

In case of dry type transformers, we can apply them in power transmission and distribution systems, especially to heavy load centers and places with special fire protection requirements.
2000kVA substation type transformer is applicable to plant, mine, petrol chemical and other power distribution system.
2000KVA pad mounted transformer are especially designing for servicing underground distribution such a shopping centers, schools, industrial plants, etc.
2000kva transformer is designed for large-scale electricity such a crypto mining. In the case of 2000KVA substationtype transformers and pad mounted transformers are special equipment for crypto mining solution. This year, bitcoin has become a great opportunity for a lot of countries, especially for NA market. Because of that, our Daelim team, receive a lot of projects for Bitcoin solution from NA countried .

This opportunity gave us rich experience in NA market for crypto mining solution projects. Daelim already entered in NA market and sell many units every year. These years of experience gave us the opportunity to provide best delivery time, good quality and really competitive prices. 

Keep on reading Electrical transformer – DAELIM BELEFIC

Daelim has some advantages for these projects:

– Experience in supplying multiple projects in American countries, such as USA and Canada

– Qualified with CSA certificate, SGS test report, UL certificate, etc.

– Complete after-sales service and installation teams in Canada, USA, etc

– Strong design ability for high efficiency, special ambient, low sound level, etc

– 6/7 weeks production time


All Daelim 2000kVA transformers are designed according to the international standards. The estimated dimensions of 2000KVA transformers are the following:


For 2000KVA pad mounted transformer (mm/kg)










For 2000KVA dry type transformer (mm/kg)










We already know that the transformers have losses when they are in operation. Daelim 2000KVA transformers are designed to optimize the losses and that the equipment has the best performance.


As we mentioned before, all Daelim 2000kVA transformers are designed according to the international standards. This standards cover all technical specifications, characteristics, dimensions, factory tests, safety measurements, etc.


Daelim follows strict rules to make sure our 2000kVA transformers are manufactured according to the international standards and manufacturing rules.


After sales, all our transformers have two years of warranty, if any issues happen in those two year, the customer can contact us directly or our services partners. Also, to guarantee the application of these standards, Daelim can arrange a third party inspection before delivery.


For Daelim, we always pay attention to the whole process of the transformer manufacturing, paying attention to the quality, design, etc. Following the CSA, ANSI, DOE, IEEE, IEC standards. Our team cooperate with our clients to provide the best solution for them, quality and services. 


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About Bin Dong

Hello, I am Bin, General manager of Daelim which is a leading transformer manufacturer. If you have problems when you are looking for the equipment, what you need to do is tell us.